Friday, November 03, 2006

4w0d - No way!

I don't exactly know what to say, so I'll just let a picture be worth a thousand words.

Today is 14dpo. I was/am supposed to start AF tomorrow and do cd2 baseline stuff on Sunday. Instead, I'm going in tomorrow morning for a beta. Who'da thunk it?

ETA - This is my horoscope for today. Thought it was neat.

Try to come to a place of serenity today, dear Cancer, in which you free yourself from desire and jealousy. It is important that you take time to recognize the incredible growth that can spring forth from this position of calm and pure satisfaction. Rid yourself of excess baggage that you cling to as some sort of support or means of comfort. The less you carry, the more you free up your arms to create.


Anonymous said...

OMG. I just saw your comment on my blog and came straight to yours. That is so wonderful. I am so happy for you, Nickie!!!

Nickie said...

Thanks. I'm still in total shock. This happened in March before I was supposed to do IVF the first time. Apparently, all I need to get pg is a whole bunch of friggin expensive fertility drugs in my fridge. I don't actually have to take them, just have them in the house. LOL

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - I have been lurking on your blog for a month or so now. Sooooo did you have any hint you might be preggers?

OHN said...

Popped over from another blog--(yeah, the colored nipples line got me! :)

Wow, what a day for me to start reading your blog! CONGRATS! I will be posting my infert/preg/adopt story on my blog soon. By the way..the little guy is adorable...I have 3 like him at home and it has very very interesting being the only female :) Again congrats!!!

Linlee said...

Wow! Congratulations. Did you have any symptoms?

Anonymous said...

Those are the most beautiful tests ever! That horiscope sent chills down my spine! What a miracle sweetie. I wish you the happiest and healthiest nine months and beyond!
I am so excited for you and I cannot wait to follow your journey! What an amazing blessing!

Oh the timing rofl! You did it though! All by yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nickie said...

Ohn - so glad you found my blog and that I was able to make you laugh. I'll have to pop over to yours for a peek soon.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It warms my heart to know that you have gotten what you have wished for. I know you through my sister, seattle gal, and, well, I am just so happy for you!!