Saturday, September 22, 2007

11w1d - Can I please catch a break?

I have mastitis again. I got it pretty badly with Ryan and luckily it's not as bad this time, but I feel like shit. All over body aches, fever, chills, headache. Yuck. Hubby is on his way to the pharmacy right now for antibiotics. I just hope we don't end up with thrush again from the antibiotics. I was so cold last night with the chills. I had on long sleeve PJs with pants, 3 blankets and was shaking so badly that it was like I was on a vibrating bed. I would have checked my temp then, but I was too scared to get up because the room would feel so cold. Ibuprofen is my friend.


BigP's Heather said...

I hope you feel better soon!

seattlegal said...

I hope you feel better soon as well!

Kristen said...

Well all I can say is damn it. I had it BAD and I know how much it sucks. You really should be given one break here. I hope it clears up quick. You poor thing!

Linlee said...

Get well soon!

Keeping The Faith said...

I'm so sorry. That truly sucks. I've heard how horrible mastitis is. I hope you get well quickly! By the way- I love the photos from your last post. They are just beautiful.
